This is one of my best friends, Jen. Jen is a marvellous woman, filled with abundant energy and zest for life. Jen runs heaps of different workshops on felting, parenting, needlefelting and runs two playgroups and a family day care from home.

Jen's group made Mother Madonna's using the needlefelting technique. By all accounts, people were inspired by her teaching and want to make more!

This is Sally Martin, our painting teacher. Sally inspired deep thinking and objective viewpoints through her workshop. She continues to help grow and develop individuals with clarity of thinking and being in this world.

Lana, our exuberant, joyful Lana taught a class on needlefelting australian animals. How cute!

There was a gorgeous echidna- we all fell in love!

Angie taught techniques of drawing and inspired people to have a go. Her simple techniques are perfect for kindergarten teachers to create simple shapes that suggest forms of animals, people, houses, trees etc.

The group made a moving picture board. This is one on Billy Goats Gruff.

Lastly, this is Sandra Frain, our biodynamics wizard. From all accounts, this was THE workshop to be in!! Go here for more info, by visiting her website....
link to Astro Calendar 
Thank you to all our workshop hosts, (some of whom may not have featured here over the week due to lack of photo!) helpers, and everyone who helped make Vital Years 2009 such a success. We look forward to seeing you all in 2011!! I know I am looking forward, very much, to once again being a participant and will enjoy the rest!!