Friday, February 13, 2009

workshops- info to help you make choices!

Question on workshops:
How will I know what workshop to choose without knowing the times they are offered??
Which workshops are 60 mins and which are 90 mins?

A: Most workshops are 90 minute sessions. One or two workshop leaders were concerned that 90 min sessions for their work would be too taxing eg information overload, for participants so they MAY (or may not need to) shorten their time. Conversely, some workshops eg craft ones especially, may need a little more time and may run over their allocation into meal times if participants choose.

Many workshops of an artistic nature are being offered twice a day for two different groups eg speech, beeswax modelling, singing, hand gestures, Colour painting, discussion groups, moving with children and drawing. These are all held in A (group one) and B (group two) session times. All other workshops are only offered once.
Here are some examples:
eg if you want to choose two artistic workshops eg moving with children, painting- you will attend in A and B sessions only
eg if you want to choose one artistic and one craft eg speech, felted surprises - you may be allocated speech in either a or b session; and felted surprises in c session.

The majority of craft workshops are running in the C session. eg numbers 22-27.


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